Sat 04 Jan
Very Open Minded $100$ Flat Rates No Rush 100% Independent 100% Real Recent Pics No Upsale!!!! - 29
(West Palm Beach, BOYNTON 5 MIN. W-I-95 RESIDENCE)
do not take RISKS!! colombiana for u!! nude massage"! - 22
(Lansing, lansing come to me on the south by holt)
Tatted Cutie with a Booty (LIMITED TEXTING) - 26
(13 mile and Gratiot area, Detroit, Warren / Sterling Heights)
🍑👅🍑👅🍑👅🍑 EGYPT 🍑👅🍑👅🍑👅🍑 BODYSLIDE 🍑👅🍑👅🍑👅🍑 FETISHES 🍑👅🍑👅🍑👅🍑 ASK ABOUT MY YES MENU 🍑👅🍑👅🍑👅🍑 - 22
DISCRETE *Classy *Sexy* 100% ME! * ASIAN *Clean *Independent *pretty *Sweet *Sensuous *Busty - 26
Sexy, sweet, caramel coated STRAWBERRY ♡♥♡♥ A~Tasty~Treat º•○●º•○● - 22
(Pittsburgh, Harmarville, Pittsburgh area)
Flat Rate > Teasing > Pleasing > play full > Open minded & MORE! = Lynn - 25
(Pittsburgh, New stanton/ur place:))
Backpage Users Please read!!!!! Baby, Victoria, Cali All Bad News!!!! - 38
NEW ESSCORT **erotic video** ReAdY & WiLLinG ""NO time to WASTE"" GIRLfriends AVAIALBLE - 27
(East Bay, Pleasanton Danville SanRamon WalnutCreek)
buddys with no strings attached -- w4m
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
💋 Wild Experience 💋 RAVEN is Sexy Flirty Beautiful 💋 Your Next Addiction 💋 Happy Man Happy Life - 28
(Grand Rapids)
Th!cK Th!GhS o♥ •N!Ce H!Ps °Ѽ APPLE BOTTOM ♥ LusC!OuS L!PS - 24
(Tallahassee, Tallahassee / thomasville area)
Watch Out Were ADDICTIVE /Private Condo / incall or outcall - 32
(kirkman rd/Mc Cloud area/ orlando)
❤💋Look no further📲 😍 2 girl specials available🎆 - 24
(Little Rock, Hot Springs,LR,surrounding🔜 outcalls😚)
Your ♥• BBW ~Dream~ •♥• Girl ★ Jessie -$75 Incall specials - 24
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids/Cascade)
In/out NOW Madison trucker friendly don't miss my special today Only * - 23
(Madison, In/ out Madison surrounding areas)
Fri 03 Jan
💖💖PETITE PRINCESS░░░░░╠║♡The Best Of Best 💖💖♡I come to you 💖💖╠║♡░░░░░ - 21
(Orlando, ░◀░◀░◀░◀Hotel or your place ░◀░◀░◀░◀)
~~~***ThIcK and CLaSSy LaTiNa PriNcEsS***~~~ ((Available After 7pm)) - 25
; •ThIcK ThIgHs °o; •NiCe HiPs °o&;RoUnD BoOtTy ; •LuCiOuS LIPS... 38 DDD Speical 100.... - 26
(Daytona, Daytona holly hill ormond beach area's)
stylish beautiful % eye candy & Very polite and respectful top Highly confidential - 26
(Orlando, ORLANDO, I drive, universal)
SoRRy if I MiSSeD U😕°o🍓🍒o°TaStY CuBaN PrInCeSs°o🍒🍓o° [AvAiLAbLe Wednesday after 6pM] °o🍒🍓o° - 77
(INCALL ONLY♢305.33zero338five♢, Orlando)
Kandies Land Men!! Deals and Specials!! Buckel up and lets ride. - 27
(Orlando, International Drive, Metro West, West)
Hot eXoTiC Ebony🌟BiG BooTY ●YoUr DrEaM GiRL● αvαiℓabℓε ➋➍/➆💜EARLY BiRD SPECIAL - 25
(Orlando, Universal Studios Seaworld I-Drive)
GooDMorninG FELLAS need to relax this morning ReAd MORE if interested - 23
(Orlando, Orlando Idrive area)
ღ H O T _J U I C Y _ F R E A K Y _ H O R N Y ღ 2GiRl SpEcIaLS ღ - 23
♡♥ _____ ADORABLE EXOTIC ·♥· _____NEW BEAUTY ·♥· _____SWEET ·♥· SINCERE _____♡♥♡♥ _____ STUNNING - 23
(Orlando, Kirkman Incall Avail💖)
BRITNEY here, come allow me to treat you like the king you know you are, 5013509367 call me!!!! - 24
(Little Rock, North little Rock,)
X60 SpeCialS ** ♥♥ ***SpecIals*** SupEr DeliCious *** ♥♥ SpeCials **80X - 19
(West Palm Beach, ♡ Right Off 95 ♡)
Always available, find out what me and my friend do when no one is looking - 25
(Detroit, Warren / Sterling Heights, Warren 13 & VanDyke Incall only)